![](fbphotos/HEL9-michael-adkins.jpg) |
Helix' Michael Adkins
![](fbphotos/CHR10-fp.JPG) |
Christian's Rayvon Owens
![](fbphotos/CHR24vsNado-fp.JPG) |
Christian's Paris Miller
![](fbphotos/GRO14-CIFrecord-ddm.JPG) |
Grossmont's Anthony Lawrence
![](fbphotos/VAL7-20-HEL32SM-ddm.jpg) |
Valhalla's Ramsey Romano
![](fbphotos/SC7qb-vsWHa-lbp.JPG) |
Steele Canyon's Brandon Andrade
![](fbphotos/EC4-65-fp.JPG) |
El Capitan quarterback Brad
Cagle (4)
and center Shea Wood (65)
![](fbphotos/HEL10-lewisSM-ddm.JPG) |
Helix' Josh Harris
![](fbphotos/CHR12-passing-fp.JPG) |
Christian's Michael Carrillo
![](fbphotos/WH9-rashaan%20miller-lbpSM.jpg) |
West Hills' Rashaan Miller
![](fbphotos/GRO2-2ptCatch-lmp.jpg) |
Grossmont's Christian Brooks
![](fbphotos/GRO11CIF-lb.JPG) |
Grossmont's Jeff Bowers
![](fbphotos/HEL3vsGro-lmp.jpg) |
Helix' Kendal Keys
![](fbphotos/WH24passrush-lbp.JPG) |
West Hills' Jordan Arnold (24),
East County leader in QB sacks
![](fbphotos/VAL3CIF-intLCC-ddm.JPG) |
Valhalla's Spencer Havird
![](fbphotos/SAN80-ECV21-fp.JPG) |
Santana's Tyler Browning (80),
El Cajon Valley's Aundray Eatmon
![](fbphotos/GRO29-GH25-lb.JPG) |
Grossmont linebacker Troy Rendon
tackles Christian Ortiz of Granite Hills
Photos by
Frank Price/Nathan Price, youatplay.com
Don DeMars Photography
LionsBrow Photography
Linda Byerline |
RUSHING (Min. 350 yds)
Michael Adkins-H 11 216 1770 8.2 24 46 161.2
Spencer George-FC 8 164 1043 6.4 7 81 115.9
Rayvon Owens-Chr 11 178 1125 6.3 14 63 102.3
Paris Miller-Chr 12 129 1224 9.5 11 68 102.0
Jemeil Jackson-MV 10 126 914 7.2 14 66 94.8
Ben Lomibao-MM 7 110 655 6.0 8 25 93.6
Antoine White-ECV 10 176 844 4.8 5 56 84.4
Jareth Raymond-S 6 99 502 5.1 1 36 83.7
Eric Seaboch-WH 12 188 968 5.1 14 33 80.7
Marlon Lampart-G 11 113 854 7.6 8 67 77.6
Lonnie Tuff-SC 11 147 789 5.4 9 79 71.7
Jihad Elder-V 11 112 752 6.7 7 78 68.4
Shawn Morales-MV 9 73 506 6.9 7 75 56.2
DJ Smith–EC 10 79 528 6.7 5 50 52.8
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 78 392 5.0 6 73 39.2
Lashawn Ware-SC 9 47 328 7.0 4 37 36.4
Nehemiah Brown-V 13 59 452 7.1 9 92 34.8
Ramsey Romano-V 13 104 444 4.3 8 88 34.2
Tony Dozier-MM 8 176 1256 7.1 10 71 157.0
PASSING (Min. 500 yds)
Anthony Lawrence-G 12 403 272 12 .675 3480 36 290.0
Ramsey Romano-V 13 378 224 14 .593 3415 30 262.7
Brandon Andrade-SC 12 300 153 10 .417 2780 24 231.7
Brad Cagle-EC 10 239 130 8 .544 1941 16 194.1
Josh Harris-H 11 219 129 8 .589 2013 18 183.0
Michael Carrillo-Chr 12 214 122 8 .570 1724 19 143.7
Rashaan Miller-WH 12 184 106 4 .576 1350 12 112.5
Gabe Kruse-S 9 186 91 17 .489 945 6 105.0
Brad Moreno-MM 11 184 96 4 .522 1006 11 100.5
Hakim Harris-ECV 8 127 50 4 .394 695 8 86.9
Chris Meredith-GH 10 113 66 5 .584 736 2 73.6
Tyler Hopper-GH 9 117 66 7 .569 577 5 64.1
Thomas Walker-MV 11 99 36 9 .364 588 2 53.5
TOTAL OFFENSE (Min. 525 yds)
Anthony Lawrence-G 12 270 2 3480 36 475 3750 312.5
Ramsey Romano-V 13 444 9 3415 30 482 3859 296.8
Brandon Andrade-SC 12 -69 2 2780 24 356 2711 225.9
Spencer George-FC 8 1043 7 715 9 353 1758 219.8
Brad Cagle-EC 10 92 3 1941 16 333 2033 203.3
Josh Harris-H 11 -121 3 2013 18 233 1892 172.0
Michael Carrillo-Chr 12 -70 5 1724 19 261 1654 137.8
Rashaan Miller-WH 12 285 3 1350 12 247 1635 136.3
Brad Moreno-MM 11 180 5 1006 11 231 1186 107.8
Hakim Harris-ECV 8 30 2 695 8 167 725 90.6
Gabe Kruse-S 9 -226 0 945 6 236 719 79.9
Chris Meredith-GH 10 -12 0 736 2 129 724 72.4
Thomas Walker-MV 11 139 3 588 2 137 727 66.1
Tyler Hopper-GH 9 20 0 577 5 297 597 66.3
PASS RECEIVING (Min. 16 Recpt.)
Christian Brooks-G 12 64 810 12.7 8 87
Jeff Bowers-G 12 60 923 15.4 13 80
Kevin Mills-V 11 59 762 12.9 3 71
Bryan Macias-V 11 55 733 13.3 8 45
JT Barnes-G 12 54 611 11.3 8 65
Scott Root-EC 10 49 897 18.3 5 72
Brett Stone-G 12 47 640 13.6 5 52(2)
Kendal Keys-H 11 44 842 19.1 10 48
Lawrence Dickens-SC 11 44 782 17.8 11 72
Tyler Browning-S 9 43 509 11.8 4 64
Phillip George-Chr 12 41 550 13.4 8 62
Ben Howard-V 10 39 800 20.5 9 71
John Todd-V 10 34 704 20.7 10 85
Jovon Richardson-MM 12 34 643 18.9 8 80
Rashad Harper-MM 12 31 413 13.3 3 23
Josh Longbreak-GH 10 31 354 11.4 1 33
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 29 472 16.3 8 73
Lonnie Tuff-SC 10 26 264 10.2 2 54
Brandon Howard-SC 11 25 559 22.4 6 99
Robby Tennent-GH 10 25 343 13.7 2 66
Dillon Rettig-EC 10 23 280 12.2 2 60
Ricky Francis-SC 12 22 472 21.5 5 66
Chris Pearson-EC 9 22 330 15.0 4 45
Marlon Lampart-G 12 22 438 19.9 1 35
Kai Arvan-Chr 12 21 411 19.6 5 53
Daniel McManus-WH 12 20 299 15.0 1 33
Justin Verkest-WH 11 20 196 9.8 3 28
Isaiah Fulton-MM 11 20 185 9.3 2 46
Mark Switzer-FC 8 19 256 13.5 4 54
Marquise Powell-H 11 18 121 6.7 0 34
Jake Alvernaz-EC 10 17 308 18.1 3 43
Paris Miller-Chr 12 17 212 12.5 2 32
Kyle Moberg-FC 8 17 188 11.1 2 31
Jalen Davis-H 11 16 333 20.8 3 50
SCORING (Min. 36 Pts)
Michael Adkins-H 10 21 - - - 126
JT Barnes-G 12 7 48-53 - 3-4 99
Nehemiah Brown-V 11 16 - - - 96
Jemeil Jackson-MV 10 15 - - - 90
Eric Seaboch-WH 12 15 - - - 90
Jeff Bowers-G 12 14 - - - 84
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 14 - - - 84
Paris Miller-Chr 12 14 - - - 84
Lawrence Dickens-SC 11 12 - 1 - 74
Rayvon Owens-Chr 11 12 - - - 72
Mason Powell-Chr 12 - 57-58 - 4-4 69
Daniel McManus-WH 12 1 38-42 - 7-8 65
John Todd-V 12 10 - - - 60
Lonnie Tuff-SC 11 10 - - - 60
Kyle Moberg-FC 8 9 - 1 - 54
Ben Howard-V 10 9 - - - 54
Jovon Richardson-MM 12 9 - - - 54
Bryan Macias-V 11 8 - 1 - 50
Phillip George-Chr 12 8 - 1 - 48
Kendal Keys-H 10 8 - - - 48
Ramsey Romano-V 13 8 - - - 48
Marcus Norris-H 11 - 41-43 - 2-2 47
Shawn Morales-MV 11 7 - - - 42
Kai Arvan-Chr 12 6 - - - 36
Ryan Browning-S 8 6 - - - 36
Scott Root-EC 10 6 - - - 36
Antoine White-ECV 10 6 - - - 36
Irving Vorbon-ECV 7 - 20-22 - 5-6 35
Dylan English-S 9 - 17-17 - 5-7 32
Tony Dozier-MM 8 10 - - - 60
KICK SCORING (Min. 32 Pts)
Mason Powell-Chr 57-58 4-4 43 69
Daniel McManus-WH 38-42 7-8 36 59
Ean Hendrickson-V 44-46 5-5 43 59
JT Barnes-G 48-53 3-4 37 57
Marcus Norris-H 41-43 2-2 27 47
Dan Wild-SC 33-38 2-3 25 39
Matt Gofigan-MV 31-32 2-2 33 37
Irving Vorbon-ECV 18-20 5-7 48 33
Dylan English-S 17-17 5-6 37 32
PUNT RETURNS (Min. 5 Att.)
Marquise Powell-H 19 354 18.6 0 44
Damon Donahoo-EC 9 182 20.2 1 40
Jake Alvernaz–EC 9 139 15.4 0 30
Justin Verkest-WH 8 99 14.1 0 55
Daniel Hernandez-SC 10 140 14.0 0 17
Sowell Elder-V 7 73 10.4 1 61
Trevor Howell-Chr 8 77 9.6 0 22
Spencer Havird-V 5 36 7.2 0 20
Rashad Harper-MM 20 123 6.2 0 NA
Jeff Bowers-G 12 67 5.6 0 15
Nehemiah Brown-V 9 437 48.6 3 99
Damon Donahoo-EC 16 638 39.9 1 95
Trent Galkoski-G 7 259 37.0 0 72
Ryan Browning-S 16 519 32.4 2 97
Jalen Davis-H 7 201 28.7 0 63
Virnel Moon-ECV 8 224 28.0 1 90
Tyler Browning-S 23 596 25.9 1 95
Blake DeHaven-GH 26 655 25.2 1 77
Marlon Lampart-G 16 379 23.7 0 40
Brandon Howard-SC 13 305 23.5 0 65
Phillip George-Chr 13 295 22.7 0 44
Marquise Powell-H 11 247 22.5 0 54
Daniel Hernandez-SC 17 340 20.0 0 40
DJ Lewis-WH 8 155 19.4 0 36
Devaughn Murray-MM 8 157 19.6 0 78
Kevin Mills-V 10 177 17.7 0 38
Jeff Bowers-G 15 246 16.4 1 86
Rashad Harper-MM 8 54 6.8 0 27
Tony Dozier-MM 6 133 26.6 0 NA
PUNTING (Min. 21 Att.)
Ean Hendrickson-V 46 1684 36.6 56
Zach Vance-SC 42 1664 39.6 63
Hayden Herrington-G 27 1033 38.3 56
Blake Lester-H 38 1425 37.5 68
Clay Cromwell-EC 36 1301 36.1 62
Dylan English-S 37 1291 34.9 61
Tim Brown-MV 25 851 34.0 60
Rashaan Miller-WH 32 1066 33.3 60
Jackson Werling-GH 21 689 32.8 46
Esteban Lopez-ECV 26 831 32.0 59
Must have yardage in at least two categories.
Michael Adkins-H 1770 186 0 1956
Paris Miller-Chr 1224 243 135 1602
Marlon Lampart-G 854 276 379 1509
Rayvon Owens-Chr 1125 175 140 1440
Jeff Bowers-G 42 923 399 1364
Spencer George-FC 1043 20 216 1279
Tyler Browning-S 92 509 673 1274
Nehemiah Brown-V 452 185 566 1203
Virnel Moon-ECV 392 472 317 1181
Phillip George-Chr 81 550 463 1094
Lonnie Tuff-SC 789 264 20 1073
Virnel Moon-ECV 392 399 297 1071
Jemeil Jackson-MV 914 101 22 1037
Scott Root-EC 74 897 55 1026
Damon Donahoo-EC 219 18 741 978
Marquise Powell-H 323 111 532 966
Eric Seaboch-WH 968 25 -- 963
Jihad Elder-V 718 138 61 917
Lawrence Dickens-SC 134 782 0 916
Kevin Mills-V 70 612 192 874
Brandon Howard-SC 5 559 305 869
Ryan Browning-S 182 146 405 733
Tony Dozier-MM 1256 -2 0 1254
Spencer Havird-V 163 112 8 - 4
Tigran Gumushyan-G 139 104 1 - 1
Sebastian Swift-Chr 129 35 - 3 1
Ryan Ernsbarger-V 123 77 20 2 -
Sonny Samoata-MM 113 57 19.5 3.5 1
Kevin Brady-S 109 83 - 7 2
Trent Galkoski-G 102 54 7 - 3
Dan Jacobs-G 89 58 2 4 -
Ryan Green-G 87 57 2 - -
Guiseppe Castanos-V 92 53 24 8 3
Miles Steed-V 92 57 3 - -
Jared Turner-EC 85 41 - - 1
Mark Switzer-FC 74 55 - - -
Michael Nuzzo-EC 69 41 3 4 3
Kyle Moberg-FC 68 57 - - -
Jacko Walz-V 67 41 10 2 -
Brad Holley-EC 67 26 1 2 1
Marcus Flisher-G 66 53 - - 1
De’Shawn Tone-V 63 40 30 14 -
Spencer George-FC 59 43 - - 1
Ryden Kerr-WH 58 36 - 5 2
Jason Nystrom-G 56 42 - 1 -
Jordan Arnold-WH 55 -- 10 17 -
Miracle Tausaga-MM 53 24 9 1.5 -
Jelan Walker-MM 53 24 - 8 -
Hayden Herrington-G 51 20 - 5 -
Johnny Espinosa-WH 51 37 - 8 -
Davaughn Murray-MM 50 25 3 - 1
Thomas Whalen-EC 48 19 1 1 -
Josh Tausaga-MM 47 33 4 2.5 -
Brandon Patterson-S 47 31 - 1 -
Keith Rodgers-V 51 34 2 - -
Nehemiah Brown-V 46 37 2 - 2
Tyler Leslie-Chr 45 6 - 1 -
DJ Smith-EC 45 33 3 3 -
Jovon Davis-MM 45 14 1 2 1
Sean Olszanowski-WH 45 -- 3 6 3
Diaz De La Leon-V 55 19 4v - -
Scott Perry-V 43 22 7 1 -
Justin Lepisi-WH 42 - 5 3 2
Martin Mokou-V 41 30 7 - -
Zane Coffman-Chr 41 11 - 4 -
Damon Donahoo-EC 38 8 - - -
Jake Alvernaz-EC 36 16 - - 1
Taylor Ambrose-EC 36 15 1 - -
Kevin Lopez-WH 36 - 4 - 2
Augie Baltazar-MM 35 31 2 - -
Spencer Havird-V 10 137 13.7 0 26
Devaughn Murray-MM 6 270 45.0 3 64
Jalen Davis-H 6 213 35.5 1 92
Kendal Keys-H 5 59 11.8 1 28
Tim Brown-MV 5 58 11.6 1 31
Phillip George-Chr 4 52 13.0 0 NA
Anthony Ty-ECV 3 34 11.3 1 20
DJ Lewis-WH 3 28 9.3 1 28
Ryan Green-G 3 18 6.0 0 14
Marquise Powell-H 3 15 5.5 0 10
Tyler Browning-S 3 5 1.7 0 5
Mathew Shearin-ECV 2 88 44.0 1 65
Martin Belmonte-MV 2 47 23.5 1 43
Spencer George-FC 2 45 22.5 0 45
Michael Ledesma-GH 2 35 17.5 0 35
Noah Ortiz-WH 2 33 16.5 1 25
Chris Pearson-EC 2 20 10.0 0 20
Jemeil Jackson-MV 2 5 2.5 0 5
Trevor Howell-Chr 2 0 0.0 0 0
Jordan Johnson-SC 2 0 0.0 0 0
Jared Turner-EC 2 0 0.0 0 0
Lone Interception for TD
Nick Sexton-Chr 1 92 92.0 1 92
Nehemiah Brown-V 1 75 75.0 1 39
Nathan Murray-SC 1 71 71.0 1 71
Sowell Elder-V 1 39 39.0 1 39
Kai Arvan-Chr 1 31 31.0 1 31
Rocky Fuga-H 1 22 22.0 1 22
Ryan Shields-MV 1 3 3.0 1 3
Note: Statistics are based on information provided by the coaches.
Defensive stats are incomplete.
(Revised 11-28-12)