Helix' Michael Adkins
Christian's Rayvon Owens
Christian's Paris Miller
Grossmont's Anthony Lawrence
Valhalla's Ramsey Romano
Steele Canyon's Brandon Andrade
El Capitan quarterback Brad
Cagle (4)
and center Shea Wood (65)
Helix' Josh Harris
Christian's Michael Carrillo
West Hills' Rashaan Miller
Grossmont's Christian Brooks
Grossmont's Jeff Bowers
Helix' Kendal Keys
West Hills' Jordan Arnold (24),
East County leader in QB sacks
Valhalla's Spencer Havird
Santana's Tyler Browning (80),
El Cajon Valley's Aundray Eatmon
Grossmont linebacker Troy Rendon
tackles Christian Ortiz of Granite Hills
Photos by
Frank Price/Nathan Price, youatplay.com
Don DeMars Photography
LionsBrow Photography
Linda Byerline |
RUSHING (Min. 350 yds)
Michael Adkins-H 11 216 1770 8.2 24 46 161.2
Spencer George-FC 8 164 1043 6.4 7 81 115.9
Rayvon Owens-Chr 11 178 1125 6.3 14 63 102.3
Paris Miller-Chr 12 129 1224 9.5 11 68 102.0
Jemeil Jackson-MV 10 126 914 7.2 14 66 94.8
Ben Lomibao-MM 7 110 655 6.0 8 25 93.6
Antoine White-ECV 10 176 844 4.8 5 56 84.4
Jareth Raymond-S 6 99 502 5.1 1 36 83.7
Eric Seaboch-WH 12 188 968 5.1 14 33 80.7
Marlon Lampart-G 11 113 854 7.6 8 67 77.6
Lonnie Tuff-SC 11 147 789 5.4 9 79 71.7
Jihad Elder-V 11 112 752 6.7 7 78 68.4
Shawn Morales-MV 9 73 506 6.9 7 75 56.2
DJ Smith–EC 10 79 528 6.7 5 50 52.8
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 78 392 5.0 6 73 39.2
Lashawn Ware-SC 9 47 328 7.0 4 37 36.4
Nehemiah Brown-V 13 59 452 7.1 9 92 34.8
Ramsey Romano-V 13 104 444 4.3 8 88 34.2
Tony Dozier-MM 8 176 1256 7.1 10 71 157.0
PASSING (Min. 500 yds)
Anthony Lawrence-G 12 403 272 12 .675 3480 36 290.0
Ramsey Romano-V 13 378 224 14 .593 3415 30 262.7
Brandon Andrade-SC 12 300 153 10 .417 2780 24 231.7
Brad Cagle-EC 10 239 130 8 .544 1941 16 194.1
Josh Harris-H 11 219 129 8 .589 2013 18 183.0
Michael Carrillo-Chr 12 214 122 8 .570 1724 19 143.7
Rashaan Miller-WH 12 184 106 4 .576 1350 12 112.5
Gabe Kruse-S 9 186 91 17 .489 945 6 105.0
Brad Moreno-MM 11 184 96 4 .522 1006 11 100.5
Hakim Harris-ECV 8 127 50 4 .394 695 8 86.9
Chris Meredith-GH 10 113 66 5 .584 736 2 73.6
Tyler Hopper-GH 9 117 66 7 .569 577 5 64.1
Thomas Walker-MV 11 99 36 9 .364 588 2 53.5
TOTAL OFFENSE (Min. 525 yds)
Anthony Lawrence-G 12 270 2 3480 36 475 3750 312.5
Ramsey Romano-V 13 444 9 3415 30 482 3859 296.8
Brandon Andrade-SC 12 -69 2 2780 24 356 2711 225.9
Spencer George-FC 8 1043 7 715 9 353 1758 219.8
Brad Cagle-EC 10 92 3 1941 16 333 2033 203.3
Josh Harris-H 11 -121 3 2013 18 233 1892 172.0
Michael Carrillo-Chr 12 -70 5 1724 19 261 1654 137.8
Rashaan Miller-WH 12 285 3 1350 12 247 1635 136.3
Brad Moreno-MM 11 180 5 1006 11 231 1186 107.8
Hakim Harris-ECV 8 30 2 695 8 167 725 90.6
Gabe Kruse-S 9 -226 0 945 6 236 719 79.9
Chris Meredith-GH 10 -12 0 736 2 129 724 72.4
Thomas Walker-MV 11 139 3 588 2 137 727 66.1
Tyler Hopper-GH 9 20 0 577 5 297 597 66.3
PASS RECEIVING (Min. 16 Recpt.)
Christian Brooks-G 12 64 810 12.7 8 87
Jeff Bowers-G 12 60 923 15.4 13 80
Kevin Mills-V 11 59 762 12.9 3 71
Bryan Macias-V 11 55 733 13.3 8 45
JT Barnes-G 12 54 611 11.3 8 65
Scott Root-EC 10 49 897 18.3 5 72
Brett Stone-G 12 47 640 13.6 5 52(2)
Kendal Keys-H 11 44 842 19.1 10 48
Lawrence Dickens-SC 11 44 782 17.8 11 72
Tyler Browning-S 9 43 509 11.8 4 64
Phillip George-Chr 12 41 550 13.4 8 62
Ben Howard-V 10 39 800 20.5 9 71
John Todd-V 10 34 704 20.7 10 85
Jovon Richardson-MM 12 34 643 18.9 8 80
Rashad Harper-MM 12 31 413 13.3 3 23
Josh Longbreak-GH 10 31 354 11.4 1 33
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 29 472 16.3 8 73
Lonnie Tuff-SC 10 26 264 10.2 2 54
Brandon Howard-SC 11 25 559 22.4 6 99
Robby Tennent-GH 10 25 343 13.7 2 66
Dillon Rettig-EC 10 23 280 12.2 2 60
Ricky Francis-SC 12 22 472 21.5 5 66
Chris Pearson-EC 9 22 330 15.0 4 45
Marlon Lampart-G 12 22 438 19.9 1 35
Kai Arvan-Chr 12 21 411 19.6 5 53
Daniel McManus-WH 12 20 299 15.0 1 33
Justin Verkest-WH 11 20 196 9.8 3 28
Isaiah Fulton-MM 11 20 185 9.3 2 46
Mark Switzer-FC 8 19 256 13.5 4 54
Marquise Powell-H 11 18 121 6.7 0 34
Jake Alvernaz-EC 10 17 308 18.1 3 43
Paris Miller-Chr 12 17 212 12.5 2 32
Kyle Moberg-FC 8 17 188 11.1 2 31
Jalen Davis-H 11 16 333 20.8 3 50
SCORING (Min. 36 Pts)
Michael Adkins-H 10 21 - - - 126
JT Barnes-G 12 7 48-53 - 3-4 99
Nehemiah Brown-V 11 16 - - - 96
Jemeil Jackson-MV 10 15 - - - 90
Eric Seaboch-WH 12 15 - - - 90
Jeff Bowers-G 12 14 - - - 84
Virnel Moon-ECV 10 14 - - - 84
Paris Miller-Chr 12 14 - - - 84
Lawrence Dickens-SC 11 12 - 1 - 74
Rayvon Owens-Chr 11 12 - - - 72
Mason Powell-Chr 12 - 57-58 - 4-4 69
Daniel McManus-WH 12 1 38-42 - 7-8 65
John Todd-V 12 10 - - - 60
Lonnie Tuff-SC 11 10 - - - 60
Kyle Moberg-FC 8 9 - 1 - 54
Ben Howard-V 10 9 - - - 54
Jovon Richardson-MM 12 9 - - - 54
Bryan Macias-V 11 8 - 1 - 50
Phillip George-Chr 12 8 - 1 - 48
Kendal Keys-H 10 8 - - - 48
Ramsey Romano-V 13 8 - - - 48
Marcus Norris-H 11 - 41-43 - 2-2 47
Shawn Morales-MV 11 7 - - - 42
Kai Arvan-Chr 12 6 - - - 36
Ryan Browning-S 8 6 - - - 36
Scott Root-EC 10 6 - - - 36
Antoine White-ECV 10 6 - - - 36
Irving Vorbon-ECV 7 - 20-22 - 5-6 35
Dylan English-S 9 - 17-17 - 5-7 32
Tony Dozier-MM 8 10 - - - 60
KICK SCORING (Min. 32 Pts)
Mason Powell-Chr 57-58 4-4 43 69
Daniel McManus-WH 38-42 7-8 36 59
Ean Hendrickson-V 44-46 5-5 43 59
JT Barnes-G 48-53 3-4 37 57
Marcus Norris-H 41-43 2-2 27 47
Dan Wild-SC 33-38 2-3 25 39
Matt Gofigan-MV 31-32 2-2 33 37
Irving Vorbon-ECV 18-20 5-7 48 33
Dylan English-S 17-17 5-6 37 32
PUNT RETURNS (Min. 5 Att.)
Marquise Powell-H 19 354 18.6 0 44
Damon Donahoo-EC 9 182 20.2 1 40
Jake Alvernaz–EC 9 139 15.4 0 30
Justin Verkest-WH 8 99 14.1 0 55
Daniel Hernandez-SC 10 140 14.0 0 17
Sowell Elder-V 7 73 10.4 1 61
Trevor Howell-Chr 8 77 9.6 0 22
Spencer Havird-V 5 36 7.2 0 20
Rashad Harper-MM 20 123 6.2 0 NA
Jeff Bowers-G 12 67 5.6 0 15
Nehemiah Brown-V 9 437 48.6 3 99
Damon Donahoo-EC 16 638 39.9 1 95
Trent Galkoski-G 7 259 37.0 0 72
Ryan Browning-S 16 519 32.4 2 97
Jalen Davis-H 7 201 28.7 0 63
Virnel Moon-ECV 8 224 28.0 1 90
Tyler Browning-S 23 596 25.9 1 95
Blake DeHaven-GH 26 655 25.2 1 77
Marlon Lampart-G 16 379 23.7 0 40
Brandon Howard-SC 13 305 23.5 0 65
Phillip George-Chr 13 295 22.7 0 44
Marquise Powell-H 11 247 22.5 0 54
Daniel Hernandez-SC 17 340 20.0 0 40
DJ Lewis-WH 8 155 19.4 0 36
Devaughn Murray-MM 8 157 19.6 0 78
Kevin Mills-V 10 177 17.7 0 38
Jeff Bowers-G 15 246 16.4 1 86
Rashad Harper-MM 8 54 6.8 0 27
Tony Dozier-MM 6 133 26.6 0 NA
PUNTING (Min. 21 Att.)
Ean Hendrickson-V 46 1684 36.6 56
Zach Vance-SC 42 1664 39.6 63
Hayden Herrington-G 27 1033 38.3 56
Blake Lester-H 38 1425 37.5 68
Clay Cromwell-EC 36 1301 36.1 62
Dylan English-S 37 1291 34.9 61
Tim Brown-MV 25 851 34.0 60
Rashaan Miller-WH 32 1066 33.3 60
Jackson Werling-GH 21 689 32.8 46
Esteban Lopez-ECV 26 831 32.0 59
Must have yardage in at least two categories.
Michael Adkins-H 1770 186 0 1956
Paris Miller-Chr 1224 243 135 1602
Marlon Lampart-G 854 276 379 1509
Rayvon Owens-Chr 1125 175 140 1440
Jeff Bowers-G 42 923 399 1364
Spencer George-FC 1043 20 216 1279
Tyler Browning-S 92 509 673 1274
Nehemiah Brown-V 452 185 566 1203
Virnel Moon-ECV 392 472 317 1181
Phillip George-Chr 81 550 463 1094
Lonnie Tuff-SC 789 264 20 1073
Virnel Moon-ECV 392 399 297 1071
Jemeil Jackson-MV 914 101 22 1037
Scott Root-EC 74 897 55 1026
Damon Donahoo-EC 219 18 741 978
Marquise Powell-H 323 111 532 966
Eric Seaboch-WH 968 25 -- 963
Jihad Elder-V 718 138 61 917
Lawrence Dickens-SC 134 782 0 916
Kevin Mills-V 70 612 192 874
Brandon Howard-SC 5 559 305 869
Ryan Browning-S 182 146 405 733
Tony Dozier-MM 1256 -2 0 1254
Spencer Havird-V 163 112 8 - 4
Tigran Gumushyan-G 139 104 1 - 1
Sebastian Swift-Chr 129 35 - 3 1
Ryan Ernsbarger-V 123 77 20 2 -
Sonny Samoata-MM 113 57 19.5 3.5 1
Kevin Brady-S 109 83 - 7 2
Trent Galkoski-G 102 54 7 - 3
Dan Jacobs-G 89 58 2 4 -
Ryan Green-G 87 57 2 - -
Guiseppe Castanos-V 92 53 24 8 3
Miles Steed-V 92 57 3 - -
Jared Turner-EC 85 41 - - 1
Mark Switzer-FC 74 55 - - -
Michael Nuzzo-EC 69 41 3 4 3
Kyle Moberg-FC 68 57 - - -
Jacko Walz-V 67 41 10 2 -
Brad Holley-EC 67 26 1 2 1
Marcus Flisher-G 66 53 - - 1
De’Shawn Tone-V 63 40 30 14 -
Spencer George-FC 59 43 - - 1
Ryden Kerr-WH 58 36 - 5 2
Jason Nystrom-G 56 42 - 1 -
Jordan Arnold-WH 55 -- 10 17 -
Miracle Tausaga-MM 53 24 9 1.5 -
Jelan Walker-MM 53 24 - 8 -
Hayden Herrington-G 51 20 - 5 -
Johnny Espinosa-WH 51 37 - 8 -
Davaughn Murray-MM 50 25 3 - 1
Thomas Whalen-EC 48 19 1 1 -
Josh Tausaga-MM 47 33 4 2.5 -
Brandon Patterson-S 47 31 - 1 -
Keith Rodgers-V 51 34 2 - -
Nehemiah Brown-V 46 37 2 - 2
Tyler Leslie-Chr 45 6 - 1 -
DJ Smith-EC 45 33 3 3 -
Jovon Davis-MM 45 14 1 2 1
Sean Olszanowski-WH 45 -- 3 6 3
Diaz De La Leon-V 55 19 4v - -
Scott Perry-V 43 22 7 1 -
Justin Lepisi-WH 42 - 5 3 2
Martin Mokou-V 41 30 7 - -
Zane Coffman-Chr 41 11 - 4 -
Damon Donahoo-EC 38 8 - - -
Jake Alvernaz-EC 36 16 - - 1
Taylor Ambrose-EC 36 15 1 - -
Kevin Lopez-WH 36 - 4 - 2
Augie Baltazar-MM 35 31 2 - -
Spencer Havird-V 10 137 13.7 0 26
Devaughn Murray-MM 6 270 45.0 3 64
Jalen Davis-H 6 213 35.5 1 92
Kendal Keys-H 5 59 11.8 1 28
Tim Brown-MV 5 58 11.6 1 31
Phillip George-Chr 4 52 13.0 0 NA
Anthony Ty-ECV 3 34 11.3 1 20
DJ Lewis-WH 3 28 9.3 1 28
Ryan Green-G 3 18 6.0 0 14
Marquise Powell-H 3 15 5.5 0 10
Tyler Browning-S 3 5 1.7 0 5
Mathew Shearin-ECV 2 88 44.0 1 65
Martin Belmonte-MV 2 47 23.5 1 43
Spencer George-FC 2 45 22.5 0 45
Michael Ledesma-GH 2 35 17.5 0 35
Noah Ortiz-WH 2 33 16.5 1 25
Chris Pearson-EC 2 20 10.0 0 20
Jemeil Jackson-MV 2 5 2.5 0 5
Trevor Howell-Chr 2 0 0.0 0 0
Jordan Johnson-SC 2 0 0.0 0 0
Jared Turner-EC 2 0 0.0 0 0
Lone Interception for TD
Nick Sexton-Chr 1 92 92.0 1 92
Nehemiah Brown-V 1 75 75.0 1 39
Nathan Murray-SC 1 71 71.0 1 71
Sowell Elder-V 1 39 39.0 1 39
Kai Arvan-Chr 1 31 31.0 1 31
Rocky Fuga-H 1 22 22.0 1 22
Ryan Shields-MV 1 3 3.0 1 3
Note: Statistics are based on information provided by the coaches.
Defensive stats are incomplete.
(Revised 11-28-12)